
Recovering Hands Board Of Directors Application

The purpose of this application is to enable the current Recovering Hands (RH) Non-Profit Board to make appropriate choices of Board Members for service to RH the Recovering Hands Board, and the local recovery community. Applicants interested in serving as a board member should first read and understand the expectations and rules of Board Membership, read and understand the By-Laws as found on http://recoveringhands.com/bod-by-laws, and submit a completed application. Applicants may also submit references or letters of recommendation for consideration if they so choose.


  • Support the Mission Statement of RH. 
  • Work as a part of a cohesive team with common goals. 
  • Share his/her skills and expertise.
  • Dedicate time to RH and RH board meetings.
  • Respect and support the majority decisions of the Board.
  • Volunteer and assist in RH’s recovery programs and activities, including fundraising efforts.
  • Participate actively in Board meetings, actions, fundraisers and public events.
  • Have no more than three (3) consecutive unexcused absences from board meetings and/or activities.
  • Represent all those whom this organization serves and not a particular geographic area or interest group.
  • Remain aware of the activities that are planned and make yourself available to participate.
  • Declare conflicts of interest as it pertains to your position on the Board and abstain from voting when appropriate.
  • Do your best to ensure that Recovering Hands is well-maintained, financially secure, growing and always operating in the best interest of the residents. 


  • There will be no criticizing of fellow Board members or their opinions in or out of the Board meetings.
  • There will be no use of the organization for personal advantage or that of friends or relatives.
  • There will be no discussion of the confidential proceedings of the Board outside the Board room.