
Recovering Hands provides Peer support to women seeking to learn a new way of life after experiencing the degradation and hopelessness of substance abuse.  Our program is based on the  “each one teach one” model.  The therapeutic value of one recovering person helping another is without parallel.

What we do and who we are

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A Testimonial from one of our Alumni

Clarissa Hale
Hello, all!  My name is Clarissa Hale and it is with great pleasure to give my testimony regarding my stay at Recovering Hands.  I was referred to Recovering Hands by my therapist.  I was an alcoholic who had woefully relapsed.  I came to Recovering Hands in mid January of this year.  Now, I have been to other traditional rehab centers.  The “message” never stuck-the med lines, the feeling of being herd like cattle.
At Recovering Hands, with my mentor and the Ceo, Kim Adams, was a breath of fresh air.  Out in Nathalie, Virginia, I had a wonderful cabin as my home and every day, we fed her horses, go on walks, engage in crafts, plan and prepare meals and went to meetings.  The meetings (sometimes AA or NA) were like a family to me.  I have made several life long friends there.  Through Kim, I had a lot of one on one time and got such a better insight regarding the 12 Steps.  Although there was a schedule and structure (we addicts need that), it was not rigid or draconian.  There was time for meditation, yoga and down time to do step work and study.  Both Kim and her husband, Bill, have made an indelible mark on my life.
I truly felt involved and part of a family.  To this day, Kim Adams has been my friend and mentor.   If anyone out there are looking for a refreshing approach to embracing sobriety, Recovering Hands is the place-a real home.

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