March 22 Ground Breaking Ceremony

Please join us for our long awaited groundbreaking ceremony celebrating the building of Recovery Hall!

Recovering Hands 90-day program has been providing help since 2014. One of the women we have been able to help writes: “Recovering Hands did more for me in those few short months than anyone could ever know. I owe Recovering Hands my life. Without Kim, and the people at Recovering Hands coming into my life when they did, I would be dead. They taught me so much, gave me so many tools that I use every day. My mindset has completely changed. I grew so much because of the Recovering Hands Program, and I could never go back to the old life that I used to have. Today I am doing well, I’m not where I want to be, but I am getting there. I am living with my mother and holding down a job and taking care of my son. None of it would have been possible without your intervention.”

Building “Recovery Hall” will increase the number of people we can offer our services to. We will expand the space in which our life saving work takes place! The total project’s goal of $350,000 is what we need to complete Recovery Hall. We will build in stages and when this first stage is completed the concrete floor will have been poured and the walls built, sheathed and wrapped, the doors and windows will be in place and the addition on the north side will be in place.  In the next stage will will  install a full bathroom, kitchen, laundry area.  We’ll sheetrock the pantry, craft room, office and the yoga and therapy rooms. When all is complete, we will have sufficient room to conduct our life skills program. We will be able host community meetings and other events for our community.

Please celebrate with us as we break ground and continue our fund raising efforts.


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