March 2017

March 2017 

Letter from the Founder

We are currently in the process of finishing the first Tobacco Barn Cabin.  We need people to help with the bathroom addition and chinking on the inside walls.  If you would like to volunteer your time and carpentry skills, please let us know.  There is a link to our application where you can choose what kind of help you are offering, or you can give us a call or send us an email.  Please click the contact link for our contact information.

Please also consider sharing our gofundme page with everyone you think might also be interested in helping us!

If everyone who hears about us could possibly donate as little as $5 or $10 dollars and also share our request with 5 more people, who might also be willing to donate $5 or $10 dollars, we will be able to help at least 4 more women reclaim their lost lives and get on the road to recovery as soon as the cabin is finished!!

Thank you so much for sharing in our dream,

Kim Adams

CEO and Founder, Recovering Hands


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